Our Top Tips for Staying Active while Self Quarantining

The pandemic is disrupting every area of our lives are currently, including physical activity. We can no longer simply go for a walk, visit the gym or play team sports, while the temptation is to sit at home and spend more time on the couch. However, physical inactivity is a major risk factor for developing a serious disease, and even before this pandemic, many of us failed to take enough exercise. While self quarantining, make it your mission to take more exercise. There are plenty of things you can do at home, such as catch up on your gardening, or if you have exercise equipment at home or a swimming pool, use them. Otherwise, use YouTube to find a good home workout routine suited to your fitness level.

Muscle strengthening exercises are especially important at least twice weekly. You don’t need special weights, and you can fill a water bottle or milk carton, or use your bodyweight. You’ll find plenty of ideas for bodyweight exercises online.

Avoid sitting for long periods by taking regular breaks and walking around your home. If you are on the phone, get up and walk around as you talk. If you’re watching TV, use the outbreaks to do some exercises like situps, squats or push-ups.

If you have kids, use the time to play with them as they need plenty of physical activity too.

Apr, 23, 2020