Revealed: The Tasty Fruit That is Great for Gut Health
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is, unfortunately, becoming more common in Australia and includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, both of which can produce debilitating symptoms. These symptoms affect the gastrointestinal tract and can cause joint pain, liver disorders, osteoporosis, loss of appetite and weight loss, and anaemia due to blood loss.cNow, a recent study has discovered that eating less than a cup of strawberries each day could help to improve the symptoms of IBD.
Scientists tested their theory on groups of mice with and without IBD. They discovered that the mice who were fed the equivalent of a ¾ cup of strawberries each day lost less weight and IBD symptoms were reduced. Also, the mice who were fed strawberries showed lower levels of harmful gut bacteria while levels of healthy flora increased. The inflammatory response in their colons reduced.
Diet plays an integral part in the risk of developing IBD, and many people now lead increasingly sedentary lifestyles and eat high-fat, high-sugar and low-fibre diets. It isn’t possible to cure IBD entirely, but there are ways to manage it more effectively. Symptoms can worsen depending on the level of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Eating the right type of diet combined with proper medications can help to keep unpleasant symptoms of IBD at bay. Fresh strawberries make a tasty and nutritious addition to any diet.