How to Host a Virtual Scavenger Hunt
A virtual scavenger hunt is a great way to connect safely with family and friends or for children to stay in touch with their friends. It is also an excellent team-building activity and can be a fun way to begin or end an online meeting.
Send Out Invites
Send out your invitations with the time and program for everyone to connect. Include a link to the software in case anyone needs to install it ahead of time. Everyone should have a sheet of paper marked with an “X”.
Nominate a Moderator
Your moderator cannot share their screen with others and must print out the list of scavenger items. Make sure the list has items you will commonly find at home.
Start the Hunt
Before you begin the hunt, make sure everyone can hear and see everyone else. The moderator says the item to find and everyone has one minute to fetch it. Players cannot look up items on their device, or use the same item twice. If someone knows they don’t have that item, they display the paper with the “X” on the screen. The adult or child who gathers the most items wins.
Virtual Prizes
It is fun to include a virtual prize such as an eGift card or another treat with home delivery.