High Blood Pressure Risks in Older Women with Missing Teeth

A recent study discovered that postmenopausal women who are missing teeth could be at higher risk of developing high blood pressure. The study found a positive association between hypertension (high blood pressure) and tooth loss in postmenopausal women. Postmenopausal women missing teeth were found to have an approximately 20% higher risk of developing hypertension.

Researchers think there are several possible reasons for this association. One explanation may be that when people lose teeth, they often adjust their diet to include more processed and softer foods that require less chewing. These dietary changes could increase the risk of hypertension and especially as heavily processed foods tend to contain more salt. The researchers didn’t discover any link between hypertension and periodontal disease, an advanced form of gum disease.

Now, they are suggesting that women who are at risk of tooth loss would benefit from improved dental hygiene and other preventative measures such as closely monitoring their blood pressure, physical activity levels, and their diet. These factors could help to reduce the risk of hypertension. Also, there’s the possibility that tooth loss could be a clinical warning sign for increased high blood pressure risk.

Jul, 05, 2019