Your Christmas Survival Guide for Healthy Teeth
Christmas is nearly here, and it is time to celebrate with friends and family. Many of us will indulge in seasonal treats, and regular routines are disrupted as we make the most of the summer sun. Ensure the festivities don’t harm your pearly whites and read our survival guide for healthy teeth.
Give Your Teeth the Gift of a New Toothbrush
Has it been a while since you replace your toothbrush? You need a new toothbrush every three months or more frequently if the bristles begin to look frayed.
Don’t Forget to Floss
Flossing is essential at any time of the year, but especially after eating seasonal sugary treats. Dental floss can reach areas between your teeth, where toothbrush bristles cannot penetrate. If you need some tips on flossing, please ask us for help and advice.
Brush Regularly
It’s crucial to stick to your regular routine of brushing your teeth at least twice daily and flossing once-a-day. If you are out and about, pack a travel toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste so you can freshen up wherever you are.
Drink Plenty of Water
Make sure you drink plenty of water and especially as the weather warms up. Also, keeping well hydrated will protect your dental health, washing away loose food particles and maintaining a healthy pH.
Chew Sugarless Gum
Chewing sugarless gum after a meal can help to wash away excess food particles and stimulates saliva production, helping to restore a more neutral pH more quickly after eating. However, it isn’t a substitute for tooth brushing!